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What is the development prospect of photovoltaic tracking bracket

What is the development prospect of photovoltaic tracking bracket

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  • Time of issue:2023-08-07
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(Summary description)tracking bracket

What is the development prospect of photovoltaic tracking bracket

(Summary description)tracking bracket

  • Categories:News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2023-08-07
  • Views:0

Photovoltaic bracket is an important member of solar power generation system, its stability determines the stability of the entire power generation system; Whether the installation Angle can be adjusted is divided into fixed photovoltaic support, photovoltaic tracking support, flexible support, fixed adjustable support; Here we talk about the development prospects of photovoltaic tracking bracket, which is a lot of companies want to know the problem.

Those who have learned about the photovoltaic new energy industry know that many large ground concentrated photovoltaic power stations are concentrated in Xinjiang, Tibet and other rich land resources, and not suitable for planting land resources, but after years of photovoltaic new energy development and application, such land resources have been occupied almost; But now it is still vigorously developing the development of photovoltaic renewable energy, so the place that can be applied is left to the town.

But the town because of the building, can be according to the photovoltaic power generation system is not a lot of and large, if the use of fixed photovoltaic bracket power generation system, then the power generation is less, in order to be able to put the maximum power generation in the limited installation area, then the rotating photovoltaic tracking bracket is undoubtedly a good choice.

Now many small photovoltaic power plants on the ground in the construction of the choice to use tracking photovoltaic support, there are many old photovoltaic power plants with low power generation, after renovation also use photovoltaic tracking support, although the amount of photovoltaic tracking support park is not as large as the fixed support, but it is of greater significance for the installation area is relatively small.

Before the photovoltaic tracking bracket was only installed on the ground, after optimization and technology development, now the roof can also use tracking photovoltaic brackets, both sides of the factory road, both sides of the road in the community, etc., several groups of tracking photovoltaic brackets can be installed; Now there is more demand for all kinds of photovoltaic brackets abroad, and photovoltaic tracking brackets are naturally included.


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